Ms Bindi is a 3 yr old 15 lb terrier mix. She is super friendly and loving. She is great with other dogs but has not been exposed to cats. We have learned that she can be quite the escape artist and door bolter. With that said we can offer suggestions on how to fix that issue and help set her up for success. She does well on leash and is continuing to improve. She has been doing great with potty training and crate training is in progress. She has been fixed, microchipped and vaccinated. She's currently being fostered in Eugene. Adoption 300 ***Serious inquiries only please. Please go to our website to submit an application, ONLY after reading the entire post description of the dog. If you are not ready to adopt please do not request or submit an application. If an application is selected and approved you will be notified to set up a meet and greet. We do not hold dogs, so if you are unable to arrange a meet within 2 days of approval, we will potentially move on to the next approved application. **Please check spam folder frequently for a response. **Applications are not accepted on a first come first serve basis, we screen for the best fit for each dog.
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