Meet Scarlett, who comes to us from the community. She is a 6-year-old, 173 lb., Great Dane and is the sweetest gentle giant. Scarlett enjoys a leisurely walk while taking in the sights, sounds, and scents around her. This girl is in no rush to get anywhere and walks excellent on leash. She relishes the touch of a gentle hand and the soft reassuring words that she is safe and loved, as Scarlett can be stranger shy initially. But she warms up quickly when introductions are slow and easy...much like her demeanor. This girl is a gem.....she is housetrained, crate trained, is good with kids, other dogs, and even cats. Scarlett is currently in need of a foster home and is living in boarding. If you are interested in meeting this beauty, please reach out to us to obtain an application.
Rowan County
Salisbury, North Carolina, North Carolina 28146
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