6/1/24 Paprika is our pug/chi (Chug) mix momma girl between 1-2 years old and weighs round 20ish pounds. She's the mom of nine pups who are almost ready for adoption however she is ready to go. She's been a great mom, good with others in her play group and all the staff who care for her. She may do well with cats with proper training and intro however we have not seen her with them. **This dog is currently at the rescue in TX however you can secure this pup for yourself with a pre-adoption which means getting your app in, approved and then paying the adoption fee. The adoption fee is $525 which covers spay/neuter, vaccinations, HW testing, chipping, health certificate and transport fees. All our dogs come with a 30 day, money back, trial period to make sure they are the right fit in your environment but if it doesn't work you will have to foster until the dog gets rehomed. Tall Tails Rescue has a commitment to these dogs for their lifetime and we hope you do too! If you are interested in pre-adoption you can click the link here or copy/paste and fill out the app to get started: https://form.jotform.com/PNWdogs/ttrt-pnw-ap
King County
Seattle, Washington 98108
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