Meet Lyla, who comes us from a Humane Society up near Asheville. Lyla is a 3-year-old 115 lb., Great Dane. She was adopted out by the Humane Society last year and it was found that her adopters gave her to someone who gave her to someone x4. She then ended up with a Rescue and was adopted out only to then be returned again after 3 days for dog aggression and chasing the person's cat. She was then scheduled for euthanasia. All parties involved have said that she is the perfect dog, except for dog aggression notate by the previous adopter. She has excellent manners, is housebroken, doesn't beg for food, is quiet, crate trained, is up to date on vaccines, spayed, and loves everyone. She rides great in a vehicle and loves to be given affection. She was brought into foster recently and slowly introduced to the other dogs and there have been no issues and seems to play well. No growls or hair raising with the bigger dogs. She will not be exposed to the smaller dogs at all, but it amazing how she has been interacting. We would recommend Lyla going to a home with no small dogs or cats, and it is unknown if she is good with kids. If you would like to meet Lyla, please send us your email address to obtain an Adoption Application.
Rowan County
Salisbury, North Carolina, North Carolina 28146
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