Oda, a resilient and spirited dog, was discovered near Bear Lake. Despite being microchipped, neither the Bear Lake Animal Hospital nor the finders could reach his original owners. After three weeks of waiting, Oda is in need of a fresh start and a loving home. Initially, Oda would dash toward every passing car, hoping it was his family returning for him. However, as time passed, he relinquished that hope. Now, he finds joy in the company of his new human friends and fellow doggies. Oda is 3 years old. He can be a little shy at first. He needs time to trust. He needs a fenced yard and an inside home. He would do best with older kids. He also does better with women but loves the guys at the shelter that come to play. Please email [email protected] for an application or call 208 339 0130. We will be glad to answer any que
Bear Lake County
Montpelier, Idaho 83254
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