Joey is the cutest super-mutt I have ever seen who is looking for a new home after almost 4 years with her current family. Joey is part Pitbull, Mini Schnauzer, Shih Tzu, Dachshund and Chihuahua. She also has some ChowChow in her according to her DNA test result. Joey is 4 years old and weighs 38 lbs. She is crate- and house-trained, loves going for walks and outings, and of course, car rides. She has done well around kids and with other dogs until recently when she in the owners other female dog have been getting into scuffles over things. Their other dog is a fearful dog and we are not sure why Joey has started to bully her after almost 4 years living together. The owners are heartbroken having to re-home Joey. Joey is truly a super-sweet little girl who loves attention and cuddle up on the couch with her humans. Please send an email to [email protected] if you are interested in this very sweet pup.
Baltimore County
Baltimore, Maryland
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