Meet Max! A great small breed family dog! 2.5 year old 28lb neutered male, Beagle/Dachshund mix. He is a happy loving Boy excited to play or cuddle. He is microchipped, up to date on all his shots and prevention. All of his blood work and test came back with no significant findings. He comes with a years worth of Prevention. He is house trained, crate trained, travels wonderfully. Max is good with all humans, He did previously live with a smaller dachshund, but should be in a single dog home. Max is not dog aggressive, he just thinks he should be the boss, and we wouldn't want any disagreements among bosses! Max does have a minor allergy, of itchy feet that is easily managed. Max's previous owner has as a back injury and is unable to care for him. Please let me know if your interested. text is easiest 321-749-8543 Email is second best [email protected] phone calls difficult for me to pick up during certain hours. Please leave a message if I don't answer.
Brevard County
Cocoa, Florida 32928
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