Jersey is adorable and loves everyone!!! He is around 47lbs and 2 years old. He is great with other dogs, kids and people. He can be cat tested upon request. He currently lives in a foster home with 15 other dogs and does great. He is crate and house trained. He would love a furry dog friend to play with or an active family to keep him entertained. A fenced yard would be nice but not necessary. He is great in the car and loves adventures. His foster is working on his leash manners but he is a fast leaner. Did we mention that he is a cuddle bug and loves attention. He got loves of rubs and kisses at his first adoption event. *** All of our Wigglers are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, hw tested/treated, and on preventatives. Most of our adoptable dogs need fenced in yards or an exercise regimen. We require proof spanning 2 consistent years of HW preventatives for already owned pets, UTD on shots, and spay/neuter in order to adopt. Please read their description above closely. Our adoption fee is $350. For an application to adopt visit our website at .**
Forsyth County
Cumming, Georgia 30040
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