Franklin is a 3 year old Cocker Spaniel. He weighs about 30 lbs. He loves to play but tends to be a little protective of toys. He would be best as an only dog or with another dog that really doesn't care about toys or playing. He would also be best with a fenced yard to play in. Franklin does have some back issues we are working on. The neurologist said that he has improved greatly in the 3 weeks he has been with SOCKS. He needs to run and play to build up the muscles in his rear end. Right now he is not neutered. They will schedule him to be neutered at the beginning of Sept if he continues to improve and they decide he does not need back surgery. He is mostly continent of his bladder and bowels but does have the occasional accident when he is excited. He may also have a bowel movement at night but has never wet his bed. He is fine with wearing a belly band if you prefer that until you are familiar with his habits. We are looking for a foster home for Franklin and will consider a foster to adopt situation. Foster must be located in North Central Florida area.
Columbia County
Lake City, Florida
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