Swiffer is a goofy 1 year old Shih Tzu/ Maltese mix looking for his forever home. He weighs 13 pounds and is full grown. Swiffer is a sweet boy who loves making new friends. He is good with men, women, and children. Swiffer loves other dogs especially if they will play with him! He is house broken, walks well on a leash and rides well in the car. Swiffer is hypoallergenic and will require regular grooming. Swiffer is neutered, up to date on vaccines, microchipped, dewormed, vet checked. His adoption fee is $350 and includes a free vet visit and 30 days of free pet insurance. To meet him, come to our location at 1102 W. Hatcher Road in Phoenix 85021, open Tues-Sunday 11am to 6pm. On weekends, call for location as some of our dogs attend off site adoption events, 602-944-2440
Maricopa County
Phoenix, Arizona 85021
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