Meet Abby, a 4 year old, 100 lb Cane Corso. This sweet girl was surrendered to us locally due to her size. Abby is a low key girl looking for snuggles. She is good with dogs of all sizes and kids. We suspect she'd also be good with cats as there has not been a prey drive. Abby is house and crate trained. Like all dogs, she does have her quirks- she's not a fan of her nails getting cut so the vet does them and she can pull on a leash only if excited. Abby had an injury to her rear leg at a year old but the vet reviewed and felt no intervention needed! It is only noticed after a day of hard playing and doesn't cause any pain. Abby is spayed, current with vaccines, and awaiting her forever family in Abbottstown, PA.
York County
New Oxford, Pennsylvania
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