Meet Scout! He is 9 week old Collie/Cattle dog pups. Scout and his siblings were dumped in an oil field in Texas. They are now healthy, happy, and will be ready to find their forever homes. Scout and his siblings are the sweetest, smarting pups. They love to play with each other and other dogs. They have become very social since their foster Momma has been very good at socializing them. Since these pups most likely have collie/cattle dog in the them, they will need daily exercise and a family who has lots of time to spend with them. They would be perfect hiking/adventure buddies or would be great for a family with kids or another dog for them to play with. They are just so sweet and have so much love to give, they just need a forever family to give their unconditional love to. If you are interested in adopting Scout or one of his siblings, please email us at [email protected]
Boulder County
Boulder, Colorado
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