Delila is 16 week old Shar Pei and American Staffordshire Terrier fusion...such a gorgeous sweetheart. She is a cuddle bug and loves playing with her toys. She is tiny girl weighing only 23 lbs. (she is the little one in the video). She is a very happy girl that loves everyone. She is always smiling. Delila likes to run and play as puppies should. She is very smart and learns quickly, because she loves to please. She is crate trained and doing great on her house training. She plays well with other dogs and children. She shares well and has no resource guarding behaviors. She is all love. Delila is microchipped, and UTD on shots. She has mesmerizing eyes and a very happy personality that shines. She will bring many years of joy to the family that adopts her. *** E-MAIL COMMUNICATION ONLY UNTIL APPROVAL *** *** Adoption donation if $395 is tax deductible *** *** in addition a $150 refundable spay deposit is required. Delila must be spayed by 6 months old (adoption contingency) *** *** apply online at ***
Clackamas County
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
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