Monday is an 11mth old spayed female Corgi/ Cur mix. She weighs 25 lbs. Monday is a sweet little girl. She is ready to start her life with her forever family. She is a real sweetheart who will flourish in a kind and loving home. She is small enough to play lap dog yet large enough to play with the children or go for a long walk. She would love to be a cherished family member where her family includes her in their daily activities. She is ready to be the best family companion that she can be. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. The adoption fee is $125. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 248- 670-0668. She is being fostered in Holly, Michigan. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Henry County
Liberty Center, Ohio 43532
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