Merritt is a male German shepherd chow chow mix baby born on 1/12/2018. He will be a large dog. He was raised with his gentle and quiet German shepherd mom on the premises. Merritt has a congenial, easygoing personality. He loves to snuggle with friends. The adoption fee is $300.00 and includes veterinary check-up, deworming, vaccinations, flea and tick treatment and $50 rebate toward spay/neuter. He is ready to go home for a local adoption and will be ready to leave on March 21st if he has to travel. Currently he lives in a foster home in Polk County, NC. Pick up is always available. If desired, at an additional cost, transportation to more distant adopters may be arranged, from upstate South Carolina as far as New Hampshire and Vermont. Contact Lee Shore Rescue via message for transportation/delivery options. To adopt go to the Adopt Now page and fill out an application to adopt a puppy.
Rutherford County
Bostic, North Carolina 28018
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