Oscar is a 40 lbs Poodle mix with a very unique look and fantastic smile and underbite. He is young, approximately 2 years old. He is a sweet heart and loves people. We pulled him 3/5/18 from a kill shelter where he was impounded as a stray. Oscar does well with other dogs and and is crate trained. He has not been tested with cats yet. Hi is NOT hypoallergenic and does shed. We are looking for an active home with lost of exercise and a dog buddy to play with. IMPORTANT: OSCAR is located in Georgia. We do NOT have a shelter in MA. We are a rescue organization located with our dogs in Georgia. We do NOT have a shelter in MA but have weekly transport available for our pups to relocate up north with their new forever families. Since a meet and greet is not possible prior to adoption, our adopters make their decision to adopt based on pictures, videos and talking to the foster parent. If you would like to apply for Oscar please send us an e mail. His adoption fee is $ 475 which includes transport cost, travel certificate, all vaccines, heartworm test and micro chip Our adoption fees are NOT NEGOTIABLE!!!!
Hampshire County
Springfield, Massachusetts
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