POSSUM Possum is ready for his forever home. He is a soft, longer hair, Pomeranian/Terrier mix. Super sweet and smart. He weighs in at 12 lbs and is approx 2 years old. This spunky lil guy loves other small dogs (hasn't been around large dogs while in our care), and does fine with the cats in the home too. We haven't met a person that couln't walk up to Possum and hold him, that he didn't like. He does fine when he is home alone, isn't destructlve but he will manage to get food off the table if there is a chair close by where he can get to it :) Loves a good car ride and does fine on a leash for walks. If you have time to couch cuddle, he will be there. A VERY nice boy that does go potty outside with minimal accidents. This would occur if you don't let him out enough and there isn't a doggy door. If you want a great little companion, Check this cutie out! He is neutered, Up to date on Booster and was also given a Rabies shot. He has been micro-chip too. Possums adoption fee is set at $250.00 PLEASE do not call to see if the dogs are available, just complete an application so you can be considered. We will go through applications and if yours is a perfect fit we will call you to meet up! Possum's adoption fee is set at $250.00 If interested in Possum, please complete a application on our website www.wowdogrescue.org If you still see that Possum is NOT marked ADOPTED, then he is Still available. Thanks for wanting to rescue your next family member!!
Maricopa County
Chandler, Arizona
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