Elmer Fudd is a 4yr old male Chihuahua looking for his forever home. This little man weighs in at 6.3lbs and is full grown. He was abandoned at Petsmart, tied to a carrier, with no note or information :( When he first came to us he was very scared and standoffish, but he warmed up quickly once he knew we weren't going to hurt him. Elmer Fudd is the sweetest guy, who loves to be in your lap. He is good with other small dogs and cats, but we recommend mature children (probably over the age of 16). Elmer Fudd is a lady's man who tends to prefer the affection of women & will warm up much more quickly to females over men. Elmer Fudd is sadly not house broken, so he needs a home with patience and training while he learns. He doesn't really play with toys -- he thrives on human attention and love more. But if you are busy, he will go lay down on his bed. Elmer's ideal home would be where someone is home a lot and wanting a little lap dog. If you work from home, he would love that! He will sit quietly in your lap for hours as you work away. He is such a special guy and it's hard to believe he was just left tied up somewhere. But we are hopeful he can find his new forever family! He is neutered, up to date on vaccines, microchipped, and vet checked. His adoption comes with 30 days of free pet insurance, and with a free vet visit. His adoption fee is $220. Please remember he can be standoffish when first meeting him, so he may require more then one meet and greet. To meet him, contact his foster mom Lori at 602-918-9430
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