Rosie is an approximately 140lb pure bred, AKC certified, 5 year old Newfoundland. She is all black with a tiny white spot on her chest. She is very loving with higher than expected energy for a Newfie. She is VERY food driven. She loves humans and other dogs. She also loves kids but she can come off as aggressive if you don't know her. She will bark loudly at new people but only in hopes that they will pet her or give her a treat. Most people get nervous about that but she truly just wants to be pet. She is very tolerant of our 2 year old daughter, however she isn't always aware of her. She has knocked her over or ran her over when we aren't watching her closely, but has never been aggressive or tried to bite her. She is very intelligent. She is able to open our storm door by pressing the handle with her paw and the biggest issue has been that she is able to climb over our 6 foot fence. She needs a family with a large, enclosed yard who have a lot of time to spend with her. She benefits greatly from running around and swimming. She needs a very tolerant and patient owner who is willing to work with her high energy needs. She would flourish with another dog in the house who also likes to play. Please contact me if you are interested in loving our sweet Rosie girl.
New Castle County
wilmington, Delaware
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