Meet Betty. She is one and a half years old. Betty is an amazing runner and loves to chase balls and bring them back right away! A perfect day for Betty includes chasing the ball at a soccer field, running around 1000 acres and chasing sticks, and working on tricks and training. She's extremely intelligent and loves to learn. She is definitely a working dog. Betty prefers not to be left home alone all day or to share a home with kitties or children. She loves to work and be busy and if your family is looking for a buddy you can teach tricks to and take to the river, then Betty might be the perfect pup! The ideal adopters would be a couple or a family (without young children) who are interested in adopting a highly intelligent dog who does require work. Her reactivity can be worked on so the ideal new home would be someone who is compassionate, patient, and understanding of a super smart dog with fear and anxiety.
Multnomah County
Portland, Oregon
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