This is CESAR. 1 and half year old male Lab and just the most cuddly guy every. He is housebroken, great with other dogs, NO CATS, fantastic with kids and people. He weighs 70 lbs and is full of love. Cesar was surrendered after we approached his previous family about him running the streets. They just responded that they don't care and he always comes back anyway. But if we would like to take him we should go ahead.... no second wasted... Cesar was ours. Now this beautiful boy needs a family who loves him and cares about him. Please send us a message to receive an application if you would like to meet this stunning boy. Please send us an e mail in order to receive an application. We are only able to meet with pre approved applicants since our organization is operating on foster homes only. We do not have a shelter available to the public. His adoption fee is $ 250 which includes all his vaccines, heartworm test and treatment, neuter and micro chip. For more pictures please visit his facebook album by following the link below.
Gwinnett County
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
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