Hook (about 4 years old as of November, 2017) is a neutered male grey shorthaired cat. Hook started showing up at a feral colony in Waukegan as a scared stray cat back in March of 2016. One day in May he came by to eat with a broken leg bent like a 'Hook' but avoided all efforts to trap him for 5 months. Finally just before the weather turned he was caught and turned out to be very sweet. Unfortunately his bent leg was entirely healed in place and the vet couldn't do anything to straighten it without causing him more pain, so now he just has one weird leg and walks a little funny with a short stride. He is happy to be an indoor cat again and likes to sit up and beg for treats and be cuddled and petted. He gets along well with cats and kids, but we haven't seen how he handles living with dogs yet so we would recommend only a very calm, respectful dog for him. Hook is such a genial gentleman that he's become the official greeter at Care Animal Hosptial Libertyville IL while he waits for his forever home. You can see him there lounging in the lobby anytime the clinic is open. Hook has tested positive for antibodies to FIV, a slow acting virus that can cause mild to moderate immune impairment. It is contagious to other cats but only through deep bite wounds, something not likely to happen given a slow introduction, so we will be happy to adopt him to an FIV negative cat family as long as they will be cautious and patient integrating him to their home. Most cats with FIV live to be seniors and pass away from common old age conditions, so it doesn't mean he won't have a long, happy life!
Lake County
Grayslake, Illinois 60030
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