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AtlasRescue Me ID: 25-03-07-00457

About Atlas

Adoption Fee: $100
Australian Cattle Dog
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male

Hi there and thank you for your time. WHY THE REHOMING? First and foremost I do not feel he is safe here. My sister moved away to a rental that does not accept dogs his size and now I'm afraid there will be an incident between him and another family member of the house who has threatened his life. He is not getting his needs met here. He does not get the time, exercise, nor love that he deserves. I think that contributes a lot to the issues he has. He needs way more stimulation in his life, way more space, and he needs to be allowed to be a dog. PERSONALITY He's such a sweetheart. He really is. He wants to be around people, he goes gaga for pets and belly rubs, and he'll roll on his back and lean against you and is all around super sweet and attentive to your existence. He's a bit clumsy with his body, its like watching a tree log learning how to use their legs when he's filled with so much excitement he doesn't know what to do. He can be headstrong too but I don't know how much of that is his inherent personality versus us just not having rapport with him and no skill with his breed. He loves treats, food is his favorite thing. He really tries his best to listen and he does well when he is set up for success. He's a very intelligent dog. HUMAN COMPATIBILITY He's really sweet with adults, and he's protective of his group, but due to his high-energy* and rough-housing tendencies I don't think he's a good fit for younger kids, or kids who can't be firm and involved in training. I think he'd be great with older kids who understand the importance of being consistent, firm, and careful. ANIMAL COMPATIBILITY Dogs- Male dogs - seems to have consistent issues with them. Female dogs - likes my small dog, unsure about others. His most common issues are with larger dogs overall. Cats- Unsure. He liked the cats he grew up with, barks at the cats he doesn't know. He's rough. Personally I wouldn't trust him with a cat. KNOWN ISSUES Extremely high energy (makes sense because he does not get any exercise. He was a covid-era puppy) but I think this is because of lack of exercise and mental stimulation. Reactive to dogs (again, covid-era puppy, under-socialized). However he is okay with meeting my small female dog. He is not okay with my large male dog who's neutered. Lacks training (we never had the time, he needs someone who knows what to do and can commit the time he's always deserved). I'm not going to lie. He needs a lot of work. We are way beyond over our heads with him. He needs a skilled dog owner and we are not it. BREED He was sold to my sister as a purebred. She feels like he's mixed. I've been hearing some mixed ideas from people so I don't know. We did speak to the breeder hoping that they could take Atlas back due to change in circumstances. They refused and said they would 'ask around' but could not find anyone. Please feel free to text me, or call and leave a voicemail if I can't come to the phone at the time. Ask me any and all questions you would like. I just want him to be happy and get the family he deserves. He needs better than us.


Contra Costa County
Concord, California 94521


Tulasi Roubideaux: 4158750668

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  • Good with Kids and Adults


  • Very Dominant


  • Neutered
  • Abused/Neglected
  • Aggressive

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