Foster or Foster to Adopt Neededs Two exuberant, gorgeous young males were surrendered by their owner to the Okeechobee shelter. They appear to be full Australian Cattle Dogs, with slightly large paws and beautiful coloring. They were brought in and tethered to chains. These dogs are very friendly and excited to see what is happening around them. They do not yet have manners and may not have been around other dogs. They also do not keep their area clean, which suggests they were likely kept outside. Fortunately, these dogs are Heelers; they are intelligent and will learn quickly! **Black Beauty (Black Collar) The dog with the black collar is a bit more distracted, listening to all the other dogs barking; he seems to live in the moment. He is very friendly and more interested in the other dogs and what is happening around him. He appears to be dominant yet eager to play. He did back off when another dog had enough of his company.
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