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Rescue Me ID: 25-03-06-00164


Ragdoll / Domestic Cat
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male

This is Bernie mail year and a half old only had first set of worm shots and that's it needs everything not fixed has been an indoor cat basically all his life so he's a little bit fearful of going outside or really loud noises like garbage truck naturally. Litter box trained will only eat meow mix cat food and loves tuna juice from the tuna can well not necessarily eat the donut but when he hears the can opener he comes to running he thinks every can you open is tuna. He really doesn't even care for soft food of any kind I've tried many many of all different kinds of foods and he just is set on meow mix I Google lens this cat when I first got it and it came up at the rag doll after reading and learning more about their personalities this cat lines up identically with what you know and read about a ragdoll cat super passive you can do pretty much anything to him and he's okay and just goes with it he just turnsinto like a rag doll. Super sweet boy I've clipped his nails he loves to play he loves his little toys he requires a lot of attention he loves to sleep on any project you have going no matter what it is and sometimes he'll even grab your legs as you're growing up the stairs or coming down or if there's something he wants and he needs your attention he will do the same he loves his cracking pose he loves pretend to hunt from mice he's a very strong Kitty physically and an overall blessing and very fun cat to have I've had a great experience with this cat but my daughter and I have found ourselves in a situation where we can no longer keep him we are in transition right now from one place to another and for me he has been with me in this vehicle for about 3 days on and off he does do a leash and harness he's currently in a large kennel which has everything he needs in it but it's not an ideal thing and I'm not sure when we will be getting into her next place I don't have a place for him to be at and I've been changing jobs and film in between with that as well and career longer afford or have this cat and care for him probably and I just know he needs and deserves a good home it was my daughter's cat she's going to be devastated and is I wish I could find a way to keep him but I can't he does need to be fixed he does not spray but he does have that scent in his urine when he's the letterbox the litter box is pretty stinky pretty quick I've never seen this cat spray he also has not been around other cats but loves to play with dogs love loves dogs he's not afraid of them and he loves to play with them especially little dogs he just needs somebody that can fully care for him this cat has no fleas just never had fleas has no skin allergies that I'm aware of his ears are clear he's healthy otherwise needing his current shots and being fixed up to date. I do not have paperwork on this cat but anybody that would be involved or interested or have access to readers or any kind of testing to acquire paperwork I would almost be willing to bet that he's more than a better percentage of ragdoll cat when we forgot him he was almost all white the colors the picture you see of him now is the colors he's changed to.


Clark County
Vancouver, Washington


Bernadette M Koopmann: 9713379989

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  • Good with Most Dogs
  • Good with Kids and Adults


  • Average Energy
  • Very Submissive


  • Needs to be Neutered
  • Needs Vaccinations

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