*WE WILL DRIVE TO MEET FOR A GOOD HOME!! *Meet Riley! He's an incredibly smart boy, full of personality, who knows tons of tricks and will do anything for a treat! He is perfectly content to lay on the couch all day and people watch out the window, but would also love to go on a walk or a run! We've had him since he was a puppy. He did great living in an apartment and now a home with a fully fenced yard. He does have some Husky tendencies of not great recall, but with food or an E-collar, he is reliable! He is not safe to be left alone around cats & bunnies (prey drive) as well as young children under the age of 5 years old (reason for reforming). He will come with his crate, harness, dog bed, and some of his favorite toys to kickstart his journey to his new home.
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