My wife and I are in dire need of assistance with our stray-intake, Minerva. We are leaving the country soon in March for an extended time and will be unable to care for her. Due to our other animals needs while we are gone, we are running out of time to further care for her. We have been unsuccessful in finding a foster or rescue to help us. Minerva (Minnie for short) is an 8 to 10-month-old stray torbie kitten that my wife and I have been caring for since September '24. She has a super affectionate disposition, but she does not prefer the company of other cats. Minnie loves to cuddle in your arms but prefers to be sprawled out on your chest when you are laying down or reclining. She loves her wand toys and is a very vibrant cat. She likes to trill when she is near you and is often not far from her human. She purrs almost immediately when she is picked up and loved on, and on occasion, has fallen asleep in our arms or on our chests. She is current with her vaccines and is spayed as of January.
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