Milo is a 1-1.5-year-old, male, Heeler/Lab mix. He's a very sweet boy that's around 50 lbs. Milo loves dog friends, romping and playing around, and then snuggling in with a companion (human or canine will do) for a quick power nap. In his foster home, he uses the doggie door to go outside and he sleeps in a kennel next to the other dogs. He's been around kiddos and he's done just fine. He's a young man, so will benefit from a home with a yard and playful dog friend (or two, or heck, even 3). He'd be a great workout partner and would really thrive with some food puzzles and mind games. Milo is in foster in Aurora, Colorado. *We require all adopters to come to Colorado to adopt. *We do not transport dogs. * You can view this wonderful dog at You can apply for our wonderful dogs at
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