Welcome Tiny! Tiny is a 24lb, 2 year old chiweenie/beagle mix who is just as cute as can be! She came to us when her owner could no longer care for her. Tiny is very affectionate and she loves kisses and sitting in your lap! Tiny wants to be near her person and will follow you around - she will be your best friend. Tiny is house-trained and pee-pad trained; she is also crate trained. Tiny plays well with other dogs and with lots of toys! She enjoys walks, is very smart, and she is easy to train. If you are interested in meeting Tiny please complete the adoption application on our website, www.greatpets.org. Once your application is received and reviewed you will be contacted to discuss if Tiny would be a good fit for you. Tiny's $300 adoption donation includes her vet exam, spay surgery, vaccinations, blood work, microchip, and fecal exam.
New Beginnings for Animals
Orange County
Mission Viejo, California
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