This is Buddy. He is a chihuahua mix,�%A0 approximately 5 yrs old. Buddy weighs about 11 lbs. Buddy is up to date with his rabies vaccine. Buddy is house trained but prefers puppy pads in the winter. Buddy is very skittish as I rescued him 4 yrs ago from an abusive, neglectful owner. He is afraid of basements and does not like collars or leashes. Buddy prefers a quiet home and likes to lay in his kennel with his blankies. He has been with other dogs and cats and does well after he gets to know them. Buddy is also good with little kids but tends to pee/mark on anything that is theirs that he can. Buddy use to sleep with me until baby was born. Now if he sleeps with me he will get up in the middle of the night and mark/pee on anything that has baby scent on it. He has no problem sleeping in his kennel. I tried putting diapers on him to avoid this but he absolutely dislikes them and will sit in his kennel and shake when he has one on. We have a fenced in yard and during the summer Buddy enjoys being outside all the time laying in the sun. He will wonder off if the gate is open but will come back when his name is called. Buddy does not like to be touched unless he initiates the touch. I found that if company comes in Buddy will bark but once they sit down he will stop. Buddy will approach and�%A0 sniff them on his own time and then allow them to pet and love him. If you try to reach for him he will cower or run and hide in his kennel. Buddy does not like alot of loud noises. Buddy loves getting in the car but once you are driving he will want to sit on your lap and will shake. Buddy likes cuddling once he is comfortable with you�%A0 Buddy will have his kennel and favorite blankies with him. I am also willing to purchase Buddy's food as he really likes Purina One Lamb and Rice mix. Buddy is located in Wausau WI. I would absolutely love to keep Buddy but I really can't handle the marking on the babies stuff and I feel it may get worse due to another baby due in May. Adoption fee of $450 required. Please contact Julie Lane If you would like to learn more about Buddy at 224-688-9782 or [email protected]
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