Meet Daisy! Daisy is a Mastiff mix. She is 8-10 weeks old and already weighs 19 pounds as of 1/9/25. She is going to be a big girl! She is very sweet and loving. She loves to play and run. She is good with other dogs, cats and kids. Daisy is up to date on shots, and will be spayed and microchipped before she is adopted. She will be ready for adoption on February 14th! If you're looking for a funny, friendly, and adorable new addition to your family, look no further than Daisy! Daisy is incredibly affectionate and gentle, and she loves nothing more than to play and romp around. She's also an intelligent pup, so she's always ready to learn new tricks and commands. Athletic and active, Daisy is the perfect companion for anyone who loves the outdoors. She's always up for a game of fetch or a long walk in the park. She is a sweet, funny, and playful pup who is sure to bring joy to her forever home. Daisy is currently in TN but will be transported to New England for adoption. Her adoption fee is $500 and that includes her health certificate and transport. If you are interested in adopting, please fill out an adoption application at
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