Life has taken an unexpected turn for Calli, a beautiful calico cat with a heart as warm as her gorgeous coat. Adopted from our shelter as a kitten back in 2019, Calli has spent the last few years as a beloved companion. Sadly, her owner had to go into a nursing home, leaving Calli without a home of her own. Now almost 6 years old, Calli is back with us, patiently waiting for a family to love again. She has lived with other cats before and would fit wonderfully into a home with feline friends-or as your one-and-only. Calli is gentle, loving, and hoping for a fresh start with someone who will cherish her forever. Could that be you? Apply for Calli today! Let's give this sweet girl the happy ending she deserves.
Jersey Shore Animal Center
Ocean County
185 Brick Boulevard, Brick, New Jersey 08723
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