Meet Abby! Abby is a female Yorkie who is 4 years young and weighs ~ 10 pounds. We rescued Abby from a Puppy Mill on Halloween 2024, only to find out this beautiful girl was pregnant. As Abby responsibly put her dreams of finding her forever family on hold, she delivered and cared for 5 beautiful babies! Go Abby!! Abby is now planning her life as an empty nester and is yearning to find her humans. Abby is a gentle soul. She is a quiet girl, can be a bit shy at first, but is working on coming out of her puppy mill PTSD and weaning puppies, and showing huge signs of becoming a social, loving, and great girl. Part of this transition means Abby is working on her basic training. She has shown no aggression toward humans, just a gentle soul. Abby will be fully vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed soon. Please consider making this beautiful and loving girl part of your life. *Please Note: If you are interested in Fostering to Adopt also, please reach out. An Adoption fee of $550 is required. Abby is being fostered in Lake County IL. Please reach out to Jill Clark on FB messenger, or [email protected], or 847-772-2098. Also feel free to complete the adoption application at: or open link to apply:
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