WebbieRescue Me ID: 25-01-17-00052

About Webbie

Adoption Fee: $500
Age: Puppy
Sex: Male

Meet Webbie! Webbie is 6-8 months old as of 1/7/25. He is a Boxer mix. He weighs 32 pounds (as of 1/7/25). We rescued Webbie and his brother Boosie from Memphis Animal Shelter in TN. These brothers were so skinny and neglected, they were so happy to be sprung from the shelter. They have now put on weight and are doing great. Webbie gets along with other dogs, loves people, but we are unsure about cats. He will make a wonderful companion. Webbie is up to date on shots, heartworm negative, microchipped and neutered. Webbie is currently located in TN at a foster home. He will be transported to New England for adoption. His adoption fee is $500 and that includes his health certificate and transport north. If you are interested in adopting, please fill out an adoption application at https://angelsamongusanimalrescue.org/adoption-application/


Kent County
WARWICK, Rhode Island

Contact Person:
Ashley Madison



  • Good with Most Dogs


  • Neutered
  • Vaccinations Current

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