Pongo is a 10 wk old male Aussie/ Heeler/Lab mixed puppy. He is the peacekeeper. He doesn't like it when anyone plays to rough. Meet the cartoon named litter. This litter of 8 came to us from a cruelty case. I am guessing they will be around 40 to 45 lbs full grown. Lucky for them they were very young and didn't suffer with no care. Their momma was great and took great care of them. These pups have grown up with great food, vet care and socialization. They are well rounded pups who will be great family companions. They have been exposed to children, cats and other dogs. They did great with all of them. They are learning to potty outside but will still need some help. They have wonderful temperaments and average energy. They are ready to find their forever homes. They are up to date on shots and wormed. They will be adopted on a spay/neuter contract. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419- 591-6621 . When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets .
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