Zac is a 10 month old Airedale terrier mix who weighs 45lbs. He may grow to be up to 65lbs. He's neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, on flea/tick/HW preventative, and dewormed. Zac is potty trained, crate trained, knows basic commands, sleeps through the night in his crate, and can be left alone for up to 3 hours at a time in his foster home, but (like most pups) will need a refresher course on training when he moves into a permanent home. He is a VERY sweet boy, but he is shy and will need a patient home that wants to help him succeed and build his confidence. He is much more confident with a friendly dog around, so he needs a home with another pup his size or larger. Like most dogs, he also does much better when he's on a schedule and has a routine he can rely on! This cutie is still young, so he does have energy to spare. He would appreciate a home that is active and can ensure he gets enough exercise (both physical and mental). Zac is fantastic with other dogs (he LOVES to play and enjoys trips to the dog park), has been social with respectful, calm kids. He likes to take in his surroundings and has enjoyed trips with his doggy foster siblings to coffee shops, Huntington Beach, and Home Depot. Because he will sometimes bark loudly when he wants to play or gets afraid, we are recommending him to families who have a house vs. an apartment/townhome just so that there aren't complaints from neighbors. He does respond to correction when you tell him 'no.' Zac is a sensitive boy, and we are anticipating his transition into his furever home will be an adjustment for him, so he will need someone who can be patient and wants to work to build the incredible bond we know he will have with his furever person. It may not be love at first sight with this boy, but as he learns to trust you, the relationship you will develop with this boy will be unmatched. If you are interested in being Zac's family, please fill out an application on our website! Someone is going to be extremely lucky to make this guy part of their family.
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