Beautiful tri-color Ash is a huge mush ball. He is 5-6 months old Hound/Shepherd mix and weighs approx 20 lbs. Ash is as cuddly and smiley as they come! He is ready for a loving forever home with a family that will spoil him with cozy beds and toys that he can carry around and show off. Ash gets along with other dogs and would love a family who is home and has time to spend together. Ash would truly be a perfect puppy companion. He is vaccinated and microchipped. We require adopters to have a safe and secure backyard - not electric or Fido fences as they are not as safe at containing dogs or keeping other animals or people out. For these reasons we do not adopt to homes with electric or Fido fencing. The adoption fee is $675, which includes age appropriate vaccines, microchip, monthly flea, tick and heart worm preventatives at time of adoption and age appropriate spay/neuter.
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