Butters is a handsome 4 year old Chi/terrier mix. He is neutered, vaccinated, heartworm negative. He currently weighs around 12lbs. Butters was surrendered when his owner had to move. He previously lived with a cat and seems to enjoy the company of them. Since being in foster he has been around other dogs of all sizes. He does well with them but does not play with them. We think he would do best in a home without young children as they seem to scare him. His perfect home would be an adult home with a cat or calm dog. Butters seems to be house trained and is sleeping in a crate at night. He will require a fenced yard to keep him safe when outside. His adoption fee is $125.00 https://form.jotform.com/200005720739042
Cimarron Valley Humane Society (Foster Based )
Payne County
Cushing, Oklahoma 74023
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