Meet Sally, an 11-month-old, 45 lb. pit mix with a soft blonde coat and stunning bright eyes! It's hard to tell from the photos but she's a low rider with short legs and is simply adorable! She came into the shelter with her siblings after animal control intervened in a situation where too many dogs were found living in the home. Despite her rough start, Sally's heart is full of love and affection. Currently thriving in a foster home with another dog and kids (ages 11 and 7), Sally has proven to be the perfect companion and an absolute sweetheart! She gets along wonderfully with other pups, is respectful and submissive, and shares toys without a fuss. What Sally truly loves most is love itself! Whether it's giving kisses, getting belly rubs, or snuggling up for head scratches, she's happiest when surrounded by affection and positive words. Sally is housetrained and, while she's not the biggest fan of her crate, she quickly settles down when it's time to rest. She's polite during mealtime, taking her time with food and treats, and has shown zero signs of resource guarding or aggression. This precious girl is as gentle as they come and would make a fantastic addition to any family. Sally is ready to find her forever home-could that be with you? Her adoption fee is $400 and Sally is vaccinated, microchipped, heartworm negative, and spayed. If you are interested in this gorgeous girl, please complete the application at For questions, email [email protected].
Happily Furever After Rescue
Fairfield County
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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