Lily and Lola are around 2-3yrs old, spayed, vaccinated and chipped and ready to go into an adoptive home. They are between 12-15lbs. We believe they may be mini Eskimos, although they could also be Pomchis or Pomeranian mixes. They are looking for a home that can give them some time and support as they settle in. They seem to have been around loving people, but maybe didn't get a lot of exposure to new people or places. They also did not seem to know what a leash is. Their foster is working on that, but they will likely need some ongoing support learning that a leash means a fun adventure! Their ideal home will have the ability to confine them away from doors while they adjust to their new home, as well as having a tightly fenced yard. For the first couple of weeks they will do best in smaller areas, with no access to escape routes. Once acclimated and bonded to the humans in the home, they are able to be loose in the home, but will likely always be prone to slipping out the door. Both girls have been around other dogs of various sizes and have done well. And both girls are treat motivated once they warm up. Lola is a cuddler. She literally puts all four feet on yours if she can't be on your lap. She loves back scratches and just being with you. She is playful and will play fetch! Once she warms up, she is all bounce and happiness. Lily takes her time warming up, but richly rewards your patience once she warms up. She loves being a lap dog and will seek out attention from her people. She loves to play with her sister and show off her moves with cute zoomies! They have come a long ways in house training, but an adopter should expect to implement a solid routine with them for the first few weeks to help solidify their house training.
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