Carl is a 4 year old, 26lb male locker spaniel who came to us as an owner surrender. In his former home, he has lived with dogs, cats and children. In our program, Carl is adapting to his new life and perfecting some basic obedience, leash walking and crate training. Carl's adoption fee is $300.00 which includes his neuter being done on 1/22/25, vaccines including DHLPPC vaccines, Lyme vaccines Kennel Cough vaccine, Rabies vaccine, Lyme/Heartworm testing (negative), and Microchip with lifetime registration. If you want to meet Carl with hopes to make him part of your family, be sure to FIRST apply on our website for approval: ***100% of adoption fees go back to the animals and help provide for medical care for our rescues that need specialized medical care and surgeries. *Note: Ideally, ALL members of the family (canine and human alike) should be present for any meet and greet unless otherwise specified/discussed. Please remember that we are a board of entirely volunteers that have full time jobs as well as our rescue passion. So, be patient with us and check out our Facebook page for more information and photo updates:
Belmont County
St. Clairsville, Ohio
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