Pugsy is a 3 year old, 14 lb Pug mix. Meet Pugsy - the cutest nugget with the biggest smile! Pugsy came to the rescue after living outside his whole life and is adjusting to being an indoor dog. He has made great strides so far and is warming up to humans more quickly every day! He is still sometimes a little hesitant to receive affection from his foster family, but when he does warm up, he is all about the pets and snuggles! He hopes his forever family will go slow with him at first and he promises to reward them with lots of love. Pugsy is doing well with house training and leash training, but he is not a fan of the crate and prefers to roam free in the house. Pugsy's favorite pastime is playing with his doggie friends! He can't get enough of playtime and is the cutest when he jumps around and chases his friends through his yard. Pugsy will need a fenced/secure yard in his forever home so he can continue to safely run and play. He is all smiles when he is in his element and hopes his forever home has a doggie friend or two to play with! Pugsy is still weary of kids, so he would do best in a home with either teenage children or adults only. He is still learning how to be a pet after all he has been though. If you have an open heart and an open lap, apply to meet Pugsy today! Comprehensive details are provided in the dog's description. to ensure a smooth process, please submit a completed application through our website at: http://crisisdogsnc.org/dog-adoption/. Please note that questions via email or social media channels may not receive a response without a completed application. As part of our commitment to responsible adoption practices, we require excellent veterinarian references and conduct virtual home visits. Additionally, your prior or current dog must be on year-round heartworm prevention. We provide transportation by both land and air whenever feasible. All assessments regarding breed and age are conducted by licensed veterinarians. We look forward to assisting you in finding your perfect canine companion!
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