This pretty girl is Cami. She is a two-year-old terrier mix and weighs 40 lb. She is a striking brindle/brown striped coat. She is at a foster home, not at our shelter. Her foster says 'Cami is an absolute sweetheart! She is very well behaved and housetrained. She nuzzles and will paw you, as if to ask 'Will you hold my hand?' Cami gets along with my dogs and for the most part is a lower energy dog, with the exception of a good tennis ball toss and yes, she brings it back! Cami is good on a leash and rides great in the car. At night she sleeps in a crate and will sleep through the night. She starts off as timid until she gets used to her surroundings. I think she would be best in a home as the only dog or with dogs that are chill and not high energy.' Cami is going to make someone a wonderful companion! She is spayed, microchipped, vaccinated and healthy. Her adoption fee is $395. If you would like to meet/adopt Cami, please complete our online application at Email [email protected] if you need assistance or have any questions. Here is a short video of sweet Cami:
Danbury Animal Welfare Society
Fairfield County
147 Grassy Plain St, Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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