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AckeyRescue Me ID: 25-01-08-00343

About Ackey

Alaskan Malamute
Age: Adult
Sex: Female

Hello! My name is Ackey. For those that would not know, Ackey means 'Nitric Acid' which is a common nickname in chemistry naming language. Lately, my name could be Achey, since I'm currently recovering from TPLO surgery. I'm healing beautifully, and I am looking forward to when I can be active again! A little bit more about me: I am a beautiful 6.5-year-old female malamute. I am cuddly and love my humans! I am beyond that crazy puppy stage, and would love to find the perfect exercise buddy. Why, you say? My wonderful doctor says I need to be on a weight loss program. Since I was needing surgery, I didn't enjoy walking very much, so I packed on a few pounds. But once I am all healed up, maybe you can help me reach my goal weight! I would love to spend time with you in the great outdoors. Slow and easy progression with walks will be the ticket. I love to play tug-of-war, and I love to run after my soccer ball when my peeps kick it across the yard. And I really have fun going for a search for treats. Yup, I am treat motivated. Small animals are not a good idea with me, just because I am so big. With proper introductions I would probably do well with another similar sized dog. In the not-too-distant future, I will need a new foster home or better yet, a home I can call my own forever. My caretakers have kept me safe while I heal, so please reach out to Moonsong if you are the perfect match for me. Moonsong is excited to find a new home for this lovely girl!


Moonsong Malamute Rescue
Ada County
Boise, Idaho 83701


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