This adorable pup is Ambrosia. She is a 4-month-old scruffy-muzzle terrier mix. Ambrosia currently weighs 19 lb so we expect she will be about 35 lb full grown. Ambrosia is at a foster home, not at our shelter. Her foster says 'Ambrosia is a special girl. She is very sweet and loyal. She has a rather calm demeanor for a puppy. Ambrosia plays gently with dogs and humans. She enjoys sitting next to you and watching everything. Ambrosia cries when she needs to go outside to use the bathroom and even has started going to the door! She is going to be a nice little companion!' Ambrosia is spayed, microchipped, vaccinated and healthy. Her adoption fee is $445. If you would like to meet/adopt Ambrosia, please complete our adoption application. Here is the link to the app: Email [email protected] with any questions.
Fairfield County
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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