Meet Stark! Stark is a 4 month old playful and healthy pit mix and weighs 30 pounds as of 1/3/25. He will be a medium/large adult. He is good with other dogs and kids. We are unsure about cats. Stark is already housetrained and crate trained. He loves to run and play. He is such a good sweet boy! Stark is up to date on shots, neutered and microchipped and ready for his new family. Stark is currently in TN but will be transported north to New England for adoption. The adoption donation is $500 which includes a health certificate and costs for the transport north. If you are interested in adopting one of our animals, please go to and fill out an online adoption application. *Unless stated otherwise, all dogs will be spayed or neutered, on flea/tick product and heartworm prevention medicine (if older than 5 months) and micro chipped prior to adoption. *Please note that while we do our best to accurately state the breed or breed mix of a dog, we often have very limited information to draw from. Identifying the breed without pedigrees and information on heritage can be very challenging!
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