Meet Marshmallow !! We also have her sister fluff that has a separate post. They are both females, approx 9 weeks old. They weigh 5.5 and 6.5 pounds. They appear to be Great Pyrenees and will be very large when full grown. Likely over 100 pounds. They will be spayed, microchipped and up to date on vaccines as part of their adoptions. MARSHMALLOW- Playful, active, and happy girl. Loves to 'sing' Doesn't poop in her crate but will pee still. She will be very vocal when she needs out to potty. Still has accidents outside her crate. Hasn't met kids or cats yet but young enough to learn. Great with other dogs. Hasn't started leash training. Good in the crate but can be vocal. Good on car rides but can be whiny. Already showing her herding traits with her foot fetish. She's a play hard then crash hard kind of puppy. Neither puppy has had any trouble sharing food, treats or toys with other dogs or humans. Neither is completely potty trained but they are learning. These puppies are just babies. They will need a ton of training and effort put into them. We expect these girls to be big and strong dogs that are fairly energetic. Please be prepared to exercise each and every day so they do not become pent up and display negative behaviors. Training well and often is very important so you don't end up with a 100+ pound dog you can't control. Pyrenees are well known for escaping yards. They go over and under fences with a tendency to roam. You will need to supervise them when they are outside. If left alone outside you are asking for them to find a way out. They will also be fluffy and need brushing and/or grooming so they don't become matted. Do some research on the breed prior to applying. Don't pick a puppy because it's cute, ensure it's going to fit your abilities and lifestyle. Adopting a young puppy is a ton of work. They will have lots of potty accidents, chew things up etc. You will need to help them learn things like leash walking, crate training and basic manners. It can be a lot of work but the reward is a dog that fits well into your family's lifestyle if you invest proper time on training with them. Please carefully consider the time and effort a puppy requires before adopting. We do NOT adopt siblings into the same family. Before commenting on how sad etc, you feel that is please google 'littermate syndrome' so you can understand why we take this precaution. It is done in the best interest of the puppies. Vet and home checks required. Located in Hampton VA. (They will need to be adopted within a 1 hour drive radius) �'�%BC��%8FPlease message [email protected] (or for faster response message our Facebook Page directly) with questions or to get an application.�'�%BC��%8F
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