SAMMY JOE is a wonderful Lab mix. Determining his breed has been a challenge. All we know is he a adorable, loveable, and smart! A dandy dog is what we call him! SJ is 3 years old and weighs 50 lbs. He needs to drop about 8 lbs. Regular walks will fix this quickly as he is not currently able to get them. Rides great in vehicle, leash trained, potty trained, comes when called. He is a very loving guy. Loves his human. Loves hugs and kisses. He listens intently. FUlly vetted. Heartworm clear, neutered, all vaccines and preventatives are current. Currently located in Gleason, (West TN). Transport out of state can be arranged with additional cost of $185. Contact Lisa at 731-499-0739 or [email protected] **** Let's get Sammy Joe home soon!! ****
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