REMY is a large Boxer lad. He is 3 years old and weighs 86 lbs now. He was very under weight when we found him. Foster is trying to trim 6 lbs as their top out is 80 lbs. Regular walks would help which he currently is not able to get. REMY will love regular walks. ****REMY has a cataract on his right eye and can't see out of it. The vets don't think it needs to be removed.**** Remy is a luv bug! Found as a stray in Weakly County, TN. He is fully vetted. Heartworm free, neutered,alL vaccines and preventatives current. REMY is ready to find his Family now. Remy rides well, leash trained, potty trained. Currently located in Gleason, (West TN). Transport out of state can be arranged with additional cost $185. Contact Lisa at 731-499-0739 or [email protected] Let's get REMY home soon!!
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