Princess is an 8yr old spayed female Cavalier mix. She weighs about 20 lbs. She was surrendered to our rescue when her owner suffered from a medical condition. Princess is use to a quiet home where she was doted on by her owner. She is looking for someone who will love and cherish her like he did. She was an only dog and wasn't around young children. She has done fine with older children but we think young children may be to much for her. She is fine with another small and calm dog. She is well house trained. Princess is missing her home life and really could use a best friend again. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-779-0862 . She is being fostered in Ottawa Lake, Michigan. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
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